XD is the simplest memecoin of all time.


Creation of new animal memecoin have had their reigns, now let’s make way for the new paradigm for emoticon memecoin representing their holders. 

XD is here to bring fun to crypto.

There are 8 billion people on earth and only one fun human memecoin. XD expression is known by everyone and is used a lot on twitter.

The rest is just history XD.

How to Buy


Token Supply :

Contract address : 0x540B31356B38Ddbd5B713D6bc840239DC964d642

No taxes, No presale, just a fair launch XD.

The XD contract is designed to be as simple and concise as possible, similar to XD’s nature as a memecoin. 10% of tokens were sent to an address (0xD…256) to maintain long term development of XD ecosystem and CEX Listing.

Liquidity at the beginning was 3.21 etc like 3 2 1 XD


There will also be mystery quests and fun events not included in the road map. XD.

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